Tag Archives: mad max

Why MAD MAX: FURY ROAD is the Best Picture of 2015

mad max fury road title card

With the Academy Awards coming this Sunday, I thought it important to weigh in on why MAD MAX: FURY ROAD is the best picture of 2015.

Yes, it has wall-to-wall action and testosterone out the wazoo, but is that enough to make it the BEST film of the year? Does it justify its ranking above this year’s other heavyweight awards contenders like SPOTLIGHT, CAROL, BRIDGE OF SPIES, et al?

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New Mad Max: Fury Road Trailer Released

George Miller’s upcoming film, MAD MAX: FURY ROAD, starring Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, and Nicholas Hoult, has a new trailer, and it looks incredible!

Miller is the creator and director of the original MAD MAX films, starring Mel Gibson. The first MAD MAX was a blast, even on a low budget and with unintelligible Australian accents. This trailer looks like Miller has kicked it up ten notches.

Have you seen the original MAD MAX movies? How do you think this new one will compare?