I’m putting my Canon PowerShot SD1200 IS up for sale. It is a fantastic camera, in excellent condition. It features 3x optical zoom, 10MP resolution, face detection, optical image stabilization, and video recording capability. You can find the Craigslist posting here.
Although point-and-shoot digital cameras have been largely supplanted by the rapid advance of smartphone technology, there is still much to be said for having a dedicated device for taking photos.

One of its main advantages is that a camera is designed and built for a sole purpose, whereas a mobile phone needs to fill several roles, and therefore will be less tailored for any single application. With a mobile phone, you’ll have to navigate through at least one or two menus in order to reach the camera function, while a camera is ready to shoot immediately — an attribute which can be critical in capturing candid, unscripted moments.
Most camera phones have only rudimentary manual settings, which also require wading through additional menus. Dedicated cameras allow easier access to a wider variety of settings. Image quality is superior due to larger, higher-quality lenses and digital sensors.

Although I tout Nikon as my manufacturer of choice when it comes to DSLRs, I think Canon is the gold standard in regards to the point-and-shoot family. Their cameras are sleek, attractive, hardy, and compact — very easy to slip into your pocket or bag. The controls are simple, the rechargeable battery ‘s life is unreal, and most importantly, the photos come out looking great.

Do you primarily use your mobile phone as a camera, or do you prefer the point-and-shoot variety? Which ones in the past have been your favorite?